Monday, January 5, 2009

Alaska conference spotlights peonies

Peonies are an up and coming crop for Alaska growers
Alaska’s peony growers will gather this month in Anchorage for the Peony Growers’ Conference. Featured speaker is Piet Wierstra of the Oregon Perennial Co. Topics at the conference include weed and pest management and cultural practices; harvesting, storage and packing; and selling and marketing. The event is planned for Jan. 26-27 at the Anchorage Marriott Downtown Hotel. Alaska Division of Agriculture is hosting. To register, call 907-761-3864.

The Alaska Greenhouse and Nursery Conference and Polar Grower Trade Show will convene immediately following the peony conference. John Peter Thompson of Behnke’s Nursery in Maryland will be the featured speaker. The conference will focus on the latest Alaska research, nursery operations, and industry approach to invasive species. The event, to be held Jan. 27-28 at the Anchorage Marriott, is hosted by UAF Cooperative Extension Service. Call 907-786-6300 for registration information.

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