Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Into herbs? You can help the botanical garden!

The Georgeson Botanical Garden needs excited, dedicated individuals to design and care for its herb beds.

The Dorothy Truran Herb Garden, a popular feature of the GBG, is cared for by a group of volunteers called the Herb Bunch. Each bed in the garden is adopted, with the caretaker proposing a theme. GBG provides the plants and the volunteer designs the bed, plants it, and weeds it. GBG takes care of watering and data sheets.

At the end of the season the volunteer will harvest the herbs, perform any taste testings they like, and provide GBG with the results.

Contact Katherine DeCristina at 474-6921 if interested. GBG is a program of the UAF School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences and the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station.

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