Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ethnoecology class offered for spring semester

A new class, Ethnoecology, will be offered at UAF for spring semester. Taught by Professor Craig Gerlach (pictured at right), this course surveys the basic concepts of ethnoecology, which is the subject of new epistemological and methodological directions resulting from the rise of interdisciplinary linkages between and among the social, natural and ecological sciences and by new interests in traditional or indigenous knowledge.

Ethnoecology is the scientific study of the way different groups of people in different locations understand the world around them, interact with the environment and how these interactions and relationships are spatially structured and sustained over time.

"Through the course we will cover all basic areas of the globe, review methods and techniques for collecting and analyzing ethnological data and draw examples from ethnobotany and ethnozoology," Gerlach said. "The new and emerging field of a different ethnoecology offers new insights into human-environment interactions and of the sacred and secular relationship of people to place."

The course number is CCS F612. It is a three-credit graduate-level class that will meet on Fridays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call 474-6752 for more information.

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