Thursday, February 16, 2012

Swap seeds, anyone?

The John Trigg Ester Library’s new program, Growing Ester’s Biodiversity (GEB), is pleased to announce its first seed-sharing event, Feb. 18 at Hartung Hall in Ester. The GEB program hopes that this event will encourage local food security and inspire similar events across the state.

Come share your seeds, meet fellow gardeners, find out about seed-saving and local agriculture, and help keep heirloom and Alaska-adapted vegetables, herbs, and flowers growing strong! Gardeners are encouraged to bring heirloom, organic, or other sustainable varieties, and seeds they have saved themselves from plants you know to grow well in the Interior and that will breed true.

Set up at 3, trading begins at 3:30 p.m. Some seed packets and small containers will be provided, but bring envelopes and as much information about your seeds as possible to share with other gardeners. Information on seed-saving and other topics will be provided. Farmers, greenhouses, garden clubs, and CSAs are invited to share information and literature on their offerings for the public to take away. Parking and beverages are available at the Golden Eagle Saloon down the street. See complete guidelines for the seed swap and the GEB Facebook event page for more information.

No seeds? No problem! Come on by anyway! This is all about sharing information, seeds, and a good time! There will plenty of extras, so if you don't have any seeds yet, you will after this event. Seed swaps are a time-honored way for gardeners and farmers to share the natural bounty of their local garden plants. The last Saturday in January is National Seed Swap Day (this year it was Jan. 28), but Alaskans generally have to wait a little longer than the rest of the country to start thinking about planting!

GEB is a community seed-sharing program of the the John Trigg Ester Library (JTEL); it hosts seed-related events and a book and movie discussion group on food security and sustainable agriculture issues. The JTEL is a home-grown community library that provides a welcoming and intellectually stimulating environment where community members can meet and share ideas and information. The library strives to instill a love of reading and learning, to showcase Ester-area history and culture, and to provide resources that will enrich the whole community.

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