Friday, May 17, 2013

SNRAS student headed to Australia

SNRAS junior Paul Lambert (pictured at left) will spend the next semester Down Under, taking classes and soaking up the environment and culture of Melbourne.

Lambert was inspired by friends who studied abroad. “I thought it would be a fun thing to do,” he said.

The UAF Office of International Programs and Initiatives connected Lambert with La Trobe University, where he will take environmental science courses that complement his natural resources management studies with SNRAS.

Lambert grew up in various places around Alaska, including Homer, Unalaska, Dutch Harbor and Chugiak. He was home schooled for two years while living in his grandparents’ cabin up the Salcha River. The family lived one year at Fort Drum, N.Y. His father is an Army Reserve chaplain.

Lambert chose UAF because he wanted to stay in Alaska and SNRAS had his preferred area of study: Humans and the Environment. “UAF has a nice location and emphasizes natural resources,” Lambert said.
Commenting on what he has learned in college, he said, “Everything is connected even if it might not seem that way. Pay attention to what is going on.”

Lambert will work at Northland Wood Products until he flies to Australia in July. He will return in November. “I’m not entirely sure what to expect,” he said. “I hope to get a different perspective or approach for resources management. And I’ll be in a warmer location.”

In his free time, Lambert enjoys backpacking, shooting, snowmachining and boating. His career goals are to work for the National Park Service or Forest Service. “I want to work outside,” he said.

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