Friday, July 12, 2013

SNRAS names employee of the quarter

Dawniel Dupee
Dawniel Dupee, SNRAS/CES travel technician, has been selected SNRAS employee of the quarter. This new program, which recognizes excellence in the workplace, is coordinated through the dean’s office.

Executive Officer Michelle Pope said, “Dawniel is a wonderful asset to the department. She has been the positive driving force in implementing the new electronic travel module not only for our school, but for the entire UAF community.

“She is willing to spend the extra time to make sure that travel is done accurately and that we are getting the best deal for our travel dollars. She is wonderful to work with and definitely deserves the distinction of our first employee of the quarter.”

Dawniel grew up in Dutch Harbor and studied education at UAA for a couple of years. She has worked in the travel industry since she was 17, including jobs at Penn Air, Alaska Airlines and managing travel for military installations. She worked at UAF for a year and a half, then took time off when her third son was born.

She joined SNRAS/CES in February 2010, drawn to the job because it was a ¾-time position. “I love the flexibility. I am so grateful for it. This is the best place to be,” Dawniel said.

Managing travel for 300 employees is definitely challenging. Dawniel puts auditing and making sure she has the required backup at the top of the list. She stays organized by using lots of folders and relying on her excellent memory.

Dawniel has been working with the UAF Process Improvement Team for Travel, a committee that was organized in May. SNRAS/CES is part of the Travel Expense Management pilot and currently is the only unit using the new system. "We will  be phasing in more of our travelers in the upcoming weeks," Dawniel said. "Being part of the pilot has huge benefits as this allows our department to have input before the final product is launched."

She and her husband Ron and sons Ron, 10, Johnathan, 8, and Cooper, 5, just purchased a home adjacent to Weller Elementary School and will be moving in soon.

Dawniel enjoys running, basketball, volleyball, sewing and baking. This summer most of her free time is spent at baseball fields since all three children are on baseball teams.

To nominate a SNRAS staff member for employee of the quarter, contact Interim Dean and Director Stephen Sparrow.

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