Monday, February 3, 2014

Lecture addresses environmental impacts of waste management in Alaska villages

The NRM 692 lecture Thursday, Feb. 6 will feature Willie Wilkins on the topic "EASETECH and a Life-Cycle Approach to Rural Waste Management."

Willie Wilkins
Wilkins, a SNRAS graduate student and returned Peace Corps volunteer, spent winter break taking a three-week intensive course at the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen. He studied the use of EASETECH software, which helps researchers analyze the life cycle of a given product or system.

Wilkins' thesis addresses the environmental impacts of current waste management practices in rural Alaska villages like Yakutat. Using a life-cyle approach, one can evaluate the social and ecological impacts of the current system and create the optimal one to replace it.

The lecture is from 3:40 to 5:10 p.m. in Arctic Health Research Building 183.

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