Thursday, February 12, 2015

NRM outstanding student named

Katherine Mihalczo is the natural resources management outstanding student for 2014-15.

Katherine Mihalczo
Hailing from Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Mihalczo married her high school sweetheart, David Thomasson, in 2011 and followed him later that year to Fort Wainwright where he serves in the U.S. Army. Mihalczo had taken courses at a community college and at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga when she arrived at UAF.

She was studying history, but then discovered she was good at science. All it took was Natural Resources Management 101 for her to realize she had finally found the right major. Associate Professor Susan Todd, who teaches 101, influenced Mihalczo greatly. "She is as passionate as me about nature," Mihalczo said. She also loved studying Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold in NRM 101 and the soils classes she took.

Mihalczo likes the closeness of the NRM program."All the professors really care about the students and how they are progressing," she said. "They are willing to accommodate you if you get behind. I just try to stay on top of everything."

Her goal is to work for an agency such as the Natural Resources Conservation Service but added, "My secret dream is to work for a farm sanctuary where they rescue abused farm animals."

Mihalczo is president of the Resources Management Society and enjoys reading and hiking.

Her advisor Susan Todd said, "She is very solid and knows what she wants to do. She's got a lot of talent and is always very engaged. Katherine is a good team player and keeps the discussion going."

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