Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Botanical garden hosts Celtic tea party

Musicians, including Anam Cara, will provide a lively background for the Georgeson Botanical Garden Society Celtic Tea Party on Sunday. (Photo by Ken McFarland)

The Georgeson Botanical Garden Society will present a Celtic Garden Tea Party, a fundraising benefit for the Georgeson Botanical Garden, Sunday, July 11, from 1 to 4 p.m. This event will weave together the tartans, plaids, and kilts of Scotland wth the symbolic green of Ireland, and the best tea foods from both countries. Authentic scones with jam and cream, shortbread, Irish soda bread, traditional cakes, and tea breads will be served with classic British teas.

Live music is being donated by Anam Cara, an ensemble that plays traditional harp, fiddle, and whistle tunes from Scotland and Ireland. At 2:30 p.m. the Red Hackle Bagpipe Band will arrive to play the stirring sounds of the Scottish bagpipes and lead a grand march to the pipes through the garden. The grand march, a social happening descended from Victorian times, was used to introduce people to each other. In this case it will show off the numerous flower beds and specialty gardens that GBG has to offer.

People who have family tartans or kilts are encouraged to wear them for the event; otherwise wear Irish green. There will be a display of Irish crafts, including weaving, pottery, and glass objects. Scottish outdoor games will be played.

The GBG Society was formed three years ago to provide additional funding opportunities and awareness of GBG's value to area residents and guests. Past events have included a Victorian Tea and an Alaska Statehood Tea. "It takes a community working together to create successful multi-faceted events such as these," said Ken McFarland of the GBG Society. The society is working to provide funding for the Drew Amphitheater, located high on the hillside above the garden. Named in memory of Jim Drew, former dean of the School of Agriculture and Land Resources Management and director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, the amphitheater will provide a dramatic setting for weddings, community social events, and outdoor lectures.

Tickets are $40 for GBG Society members and $48 for others; the price includes a commemorative teacup. Tickets may be purchased at the botanical garden gift shop or Gulliver's Books. Call 474-5651 or 479-5265, or e-mail Donna Dinsmore for details.

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